Free JavaScript Editor 4.7
Free Version
Help for the budding young web designer
It's clear that when it comes to coding web pages, text editors are simply not cut out for it. Even Notepad++ is rather lacking in functionality if you think about it. Somehow, I want easier tagging and accessible JS functions to boot. JavaScript Editor makes things much easier in both HTML land and the JS underbelly. For example, a new page already has essential tags in place and adding a tag will automatically include an end tag. Text size, fonts and elements such as lists and text alignment can be set similar to how you would using a word processor.
Of course, if that's not what you're in for, the program really caters to javaScript. The left hand panel gives access to several tabs that contain pre-written scripts, functions and variables as well as object references for CSS, HTML and - of course - JavaScript. These can be added using drag&drop or by double clicking.
Furthermore, the visual interface also contains buttons for JS statements such as If, For, While, Do... While etc. I should mention that Free JavaScript Editor can also check syntax and debug. Another quick way to check pages is to bring them up into a browser of your choice without having to save the HTML file (although you can if you want to).
- HTML friendly editing
- Quick insert of functions, statements snippets and other web design constructs
- Syntax check
- Code debugging
- Script running
- Support for Shockwave Flash
- Live previews
Free JavaScript Editor is a great help for amateur web designers but I suspect it can also live up to higher expectations if the experts in questions aren't keen on parting with some shekels, be it fifty or more. For me at least, I'm happy to have something that doesn't make me twist my right ankle from adding tags manually.
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